Language and Cognitive Processes
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منابع مشابه
Exploring Language Learners’ Cognitive Processes in On-line ESP Courses via Think-aloud Protocol Analysis
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The present study was an attempt to provide a psycholinguistic account of cognitive processes underlying responding and questioning. It also strived to identify the potential differences between responding and questioning cognitive processes in Target Language Use Situation tasks. To accomplish the objectives, 65 Iranian general IELTS applicants from two foreign language learning instit...
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This study examined the effects of cognitive task complexity increase on the complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF) as well as the temporal distribution of the cognitive and metacognitive processes involved in computer-mediated L2 written production. To this end, the study employed a between-subjects experimental design with 85 EFL learners from a language learning institute in Iran. Participa...
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The identification of the cognitive, affective, social and even physiological factors affecting second or foreign language learning routes and rate has for long been a challenging aspiration for second language researchers. However, a recent preoccupation of the researchers in this area has been the study of the combinatorial impacts of such factors on second or foreign language learning proces...
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Introduction: Over the last centuries, scientists have been trying to figure out how the brain is learning the language. By 1980, the study of brain-language relationships was based on the study of human brain damage. But since 1980, neuroscience methods have greatly improved. There is controversy about where music, composition, or the perception of language and music are in the brain, or wheth...
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